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​"I've always said the greatest gift you are ever given is your imagination." Ms. Bixby, Ms. Bixby's Last Day, by John David Anderson
Building strong...minds
We love learning about dogs and cats, and elephants and whales, and trees and flowers in our Discovery Time.  We feel so proud when we learn to write our name, and learn the sounds each letter makes. We love to listen to stories and make up our own stories during Literacy Time. We can count to 10 (20, 30, 50, 100!)..."Watch us!" That's Math.

Building strong...bodies


We love using our large motor muscles to run and jump in the gym and outside and play with balls. We are learning that exercise is important for healthy bodies.  We work on refining our small motor muscles as we play with Play-Doh, small cars and do puzzles. We also learn to use scissors safely.

Building strong...hearts


We are making good friends in school and developing character traits so we can be a good friend. We are also learning that God loves us just the way we are. His love and his power is seen in the many things He has created. He kept His promises to people long ago and still keeps them today. We are taught to use the minds God has given us to make it a habit to think through many situations

And Music brings it all together!
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